Tantra Yoga

Starting from 12 Euros 90 Min Every Monday At 8 PM @UHU

Feel with all your senses

I highly encourage you to wear a blindfold once you are familiar with the exercises. Being blind opens up all your other senses and allows you to really tune into the subtle world of energies. This experience is going to take you to a whole new level.


Upcoming Workshops

Conscious Dance Journey

This dance meditation offers you to dive deep into your emotions and transform your fears, worries, anger and depressed feelings into trust, joy and love.

Every Tuesday 20h - 21:30h UHU - Urban HEALING Unit

Ecstatic Dance Journey

“Dancing Is Not Just A Movement. When A Movement Becomes Ecstatic Then I Is Dance”

 A LIVE DJ is tuning in with our heart beats to feel ONE with existence. We will play finest mystical downtempo beats that allow you to dive deep into your dance journey.

 We dance ourselves into trance to become whole, release our stress, enjoy our vibrant health and ecstatic being. 

 Put on your festive robes to feel vibrant, to celebrate yourself and the others, to worship your ancestors, to honor life! This is not about your ego! It is about to create a special night without showing off! 

Saturday 09.04.22 At 20:00 - 22:00 @YOM